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The Honorable   ( 1 Name of elected official)

United States Senate

Washington DC 20510

A Senate Resolution on Cameroon

Dear Senator  ( 2 Name of elected official),

Please support resolution S. Res. 292 to help put an end to the  genocide in the North and South West and too free all political prisoners without preconditions.

On July 23, 2019, U.S. House of Representatives has agreed on the resolution H. Res 358 on Cameroon to stop the armed conflicts, human rights abuses in Northwest and Southwest regions and, political instability. We urge the U.S. Senate to adopt a similar resolution and add sanctions for individuals responsible of gross human rights violations.

The United Stated is directly affected by the conflicts in Cameroon because of the strong presence of Cameroonian American citizens in the United States (I), mass immigration of Cameroonians through the US- Mexico border (II) and, financial and military aid provided to the dictatorial regime of Cameroon (III).

I. Size of Cameroon born citizens in the United States

US Census Bureau Survey represents the number of Cameroonian born citizens at roughly 50,000 (fifty thousand) persons scattered throughout the fifty states. This number does not include children born from this population since children born in the U.S. become American citizens. Largest population of Cameroonian Americans include: i) Maryland with 15,770, ii) Texas with 7,457, iii) Georgia with 2,801, iv) Virginia with 2,357, v) California with 2,856, vi) Minnesota with 1,958, vii) or Ohio with 1,879.

II. Mass Immigration of Cameroonians (and other Africans) in the U.S. through U.S-Mexico border

Earlier this year, Italy has accused France of imposing dictators in Africa to loot natural resources, thus causing mass African immigration in Europe. Recently, U.S- Mexico border has seen an unprecedented uptick of African immigrants facing war and poverty at home, of which Cameroonians fleeing the conflict in Northwest and Southwest regions. Affected states include Texas and Maine.

III. Is the U.S. Taxpayer Paying for French neo-colonialism in Africa?

France has long been accused of imposing dictators and sabotaging any democratic process in Africa in order to maintain economic influence. In Cameroon, the US. States Department noted that the October 2018 presidential elections “was marked by irregularities, including intimidation of voters and representatives of candidates at polling sites, late posting of polling sites and voter lists, ballot stuffing, voters with multiple registrations, and alleged polling results manipulations.” Yet, president Emmanuel Macron of France was the only president of the West to congratulate Paul Biya’s “re-election.”

In the meantime, Professor Maurice Kamto who has claimed victory for the October 2018 presidential elections sit in jail since January of this year, despite the United States demanding for his release. While the government of Cameroon recently freed few members of Maurice Kamto’s CRM party, most CRM leaders and supporters are still imprisoned to endure torture, cruel and inhumane treatments.

The United States can act unilaterally to stop gross human rights violations and disregard of the democratic process in Cameroon. First: The United States can halt financial and military aid to Cameroon and, second: The United States can impose individual sanctions on identified individuals responsible of human rights violations, corruption and sabotage of democratic process.

Thus, we urge the Senate to pass a resolution similar to the resolution passed in the House. In addition, Senate Resolution should include enforcement measures such as individual sanctions. As American citizens, we are concerned that our tax dollars go incorrectly spent in the dictatorial regime of Cameroon and urge the United States to act in favor of the respect of human rights and the rule of law in Cameroon.

Respectfully submitted,

3 Your contact info



Contact information:

Calling on the Government of Cameroon and armed group to respect the human rights of all Cameroonian citizens, to end all violence, and to pursue a broad-based dialogue without preconditions to resolve the conflict in the Northwest and Southwest regions, H. R. 358, 116th Cong. (2019) (enacted) available at  

US Census Bureau, Place of Birth For the Foreign-Born Population in the United States (2013-2017),

See Henry Ridgwell, Italy Accuses France of ‘Impoverishing Africa’, VOA NEWS (Jan. 23, 2019),  

Andrew Selsky & Patrick Whittle, Record Number of African Migrants Coming to Mexican Border, PBS NEWS HOUR (June 16, 2019),

See e.g., Dr. Gary K. Busch, Is the U.S. Taxpayer Paying for French Neo-Colonialism in Africa?, LIMA CHARLIE NEWS (June 20, 2017),  

U.S. Dep’t of State, 2018 Country Reports on Human Rights, Practices: Cameroon (2019),

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